Field Day 2015
- Details
Thanks to all of you who made Field Day 2015 a resounding success!
This year we earned 348 QSO points and 810 bonus points for a total of 1158 points. This beats last year both in QSO points and Bonus points.
We had about 18 people that participated in setup, making contacts, and tear-down.
We contacted a total of 42 US states during the exercise including Hawaii and the US Virgin Islands, and several provinces of Canada.
We used six different frequency bands and used both Voice and Digital communications (this chart does not include GOTA).
Total Contacts by Band and Mode:
Band CW Phone Dig Total %
---- -- ----- --- ----- ---
80 0 1 0 1 1
40 0 42 0 42 29
20 0 39 14 53 37
15 0 44 0 44 30
10 0 4 0 4 3
6 0 1 0 1 1
-- ----- --- ----- ---
Total 0 131 14 145 100
Our contact map and photos are at:
All of this was accomplished at a new location with its own unique constraints - including running on battery at night and shutting down as lightning approached.
If you have other pictures to share please let me know and we will add them to our photo album.
Thank you all for helping make this event safe and successful!
73, KC0LQL
Tim Neu