Field Day 2011
- Details
For the 55th year, the Anoka County Radio Club will be participating in the ARRL Field Day event. EVERYONE is invited to attend and participate in this event!
We will be holding this event out at Bob Cordell’s place located at 8380 Lake Drive in Lino Lakes (click for a map). Setup will be on Friday, June 24th starting at 5:00PM Operations begin on Saturday, June 25th at noon, running until Sunday at noon. Cleanup will be on Sunday, June 26th starting after noon.
Our Press Release and full FD plan
Field Day is open to everyone. We will be using the club's W0YFZ call with it's Extra class privileges. So this is a chance to talk on any of the amateur HF bands no matter what your amateur license class is, and even if you don't have a license! The objective is to work as many stations as possible on any of the Field Day Ham bands and, in doing so, learn to operate in situations that are in less than optimal conditions.
This year we are planning to run a 5A Field Day site. This means that we can have 5 HF transmitters running at one time. All our contacts must be made with transmitters and receivers independent of commercial power and using less than 150 watts of transmit power.
We will also have an additional station to operate exclusively on the bands above 50 MHz (VHF/UHF).
For a complete listing of rules please visit the ARRL web site at
Logging Software
We will be using N3FJP's Field Day software for logging our contacts. All of our stations will be networked at the site.
Equipment List
We could not even hold a field day event without radio and support equipment. The following is a list of all the known equipment that will be supplied during the event. If you can add any items to support the effort please contact Tim Neu KC0LQL at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gota – Al AE0AL HF on 20M dipole
VHF/UHF – Perry Yaesu FT857D
HF1 – Perry Icom 746 on HyGain antenna
HF2 – Jeremy Yaesu FT-950 on dipole
HF3 – Don kendwood HF on hustler 40m
HF4 – Tim IC706 + digital on multi-band vertical
HF5 – Dana FT-817ND on his antenna
Each station other than GOTA requires a logging computer with windows operating system and wi-fi.
We will be having a pot-luck dinner on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a food dish to share. Thanks!
Field Day Schedule
Friday June 24th, 5PM: Field Day site setup begins.
Saturday June 25th, Noon: Field Day Operations Begin. Remember that the Blaine Blazin 4th parade is also going on at the same time.
Sunday June 26th, Noon: Field Day Operations End. Once the Field Day has been completed, the N3FJP software logs will be backed up several times for safe keeping. All the equipment will need to be taken down and made ready to transport back to their original locations. One last team needs to sweep the Field Day Site to make sure it is clean and all our stuff has been removed.
Contact Information
Please contact Tim Neu KC0LQL at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or to help with this event.