Field Day 2016 Thank You
- Details
- Written by Tim Neu
We contacted a total of 42 states / provinces in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico; yet as luck (or conditions) would have it did not have any contacts in our neighboring states of WI, IA, ND, or SD!
Points for 2016 have been submitted to the ARRL and are as follows:
Total Score: 1604 (up from 1506 last year).
The breakdown:
QSO points: 554
Bonus points: 1050
# of Participants: 15
Claimed Bonus categories:
- Emergency Power
- Media Publicity
- Public Place
- Information booth
- Natural Power
- Site visited by served agency
- Online points submission
- Social Media bonus
- Safety Officer
If you have any pictures you'd like to share, contact Tim Neu.
Points are subject to ARRL review & approval.
Several folks have suggested a post-Field Day meeting to go through what went well and what we can try differently for next year.
A further invite will be sent out for an after-event review for those that are interested.
Thanks to all who participated, assisted, or visited the field day site this year!
Tim Neu